domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020

Days of the Week with Very Young Learners

 Hello there!

It was quite a challenge for me to find a way of teaching little kiddos days of the week. Almost none of them was familiar with the concept in their own language, so how was I to teach it in English?

We were doing Food topic and I was planning to read a Very Hungry Caterpillar, so the knowledge of days of the week as words that exist and that they were going to hear in the story was Not THAT important, but useful. 

I really liked the monsters PinkFong created for the song "Days of the Week", so I copied the characters, added those that were missing, assigned some movement to each of them and introduced days of the week to my very young learners in a funny and entertaining way. They learned all the movements/gestures along with the names and we started to read the story. Every time they heard "on Monday", or "on Friday", their eyes started to sparkle and they showed me the movement. All pleased and satisfies. Mission completed!

In the video below you can see a brief example of what it was like.

You can donwload Days of the Week MONSTERS 

for FREE


lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020

Pumping Up Kid´s Box 1: Unit 12. Storytelling "Timmy goes shopping"


Hello there beautiful!

As promised, today I'm happy to share with you a storytelling activity that I'll be using in Unit 12,  Kid's Box 1. 

I borrowed the story from Sarah Philipps "Young Learners" resource book. The story is called "Timmy goes shopping"and it perfectly fits with the topic of Unit 12, offering some new vocabulary and introducing kids to the Past Simple forms in the indirect way. Moreover, during the storytelling activity we can revise numbers and counting =)

I created story characters as well as other elements with paper, securing them with plastic and glueing some velcro on to be able to use them with my Felt Board. That is a perfect way to transform storytelling into an interactive activity! 

Your are welcome to grab a copy of story elements to use along in your storytelling.

You can watch my introduction video to the STORYtelling 

Watch the story "Timmy goes shopping"

Thank you for watching!

Hope this video turned out to be useful!

Enjoy teaching!

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020

Pumping up Kid's Box 1. Unit 12 "Party time". Craft activity


Watch the video

Hello there, beautiful people! 

Today I'm happy to share with you the coolest Food Monster. It is  a Creative Activity based on the active vocabulary from Unit 12 of Kid's Box1. I'm sure your kids are going to enjoy creating this funny creature, let their imagination fly o guide them through this creative process, it's up to you! 

And of course, as promised, you can download a template for this activity HERE.

Thank you and enjoy your teaching!

martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Pumping up Kid's Box 1. Unit 2 "My School". Craft activity

Watch the video

Watch the video

Hello there!

This year I'm working with Kid's Box 1, which I am adjusting to my students' interests and needs, creating some extra activities, which would boost creativity and fun into the classroom. 

Mostly I'd be providing a craft activity and a storytelling activity for each unit with all the materials free to download from my blog.

Hope you enjoy teaching as much as I do! Have fun!


Ksenia aka Forgetful Teacher

P.S.: Although this video comes in Russian (this piece of video was cut out from my webinar), it is quite intuitive and one can understand the meaning from the images. Anyway, I promise that the next ones are going to be filmed in English. Thanx for understanding!

Download mini flashcards here

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

Мой Вебинар "Как влюбить дошкольников в английский язык"

В то время, как некоторые летом отдыхают, я не перестаю работать. А как еще? Когда твою голову распирают новые идеи, которые ты не успеваешь записывать, не то что осуществлять, что еще остается?). А если честно, то очень жаль, конечно, что накрылись все наши планы с путешествиями. 

Из-за коронавируса был отменен 

1)чемпионат по пинг-понгу в Альмерии, 

2)я не попала в Москву на свадьбу единственной сестры, (!!!) 

3)моя "эскапада" (поездка на 2-3 дня с целью абстрагироваться и отдохнуть) в отель с белыми простынями, бассейном и room service, естественно, тоже. Эх...

Зато я записала вебинар! Послушав его, вы сможете узнать, как я работаю, что мотивирует в первую очередь меня, как преподавателя, какие фишки я использую для того, чтобы превращать свои уроки в захватывающие приключения. Как сделать так, чтобы дети буквально бежали на ваши занятия, а усвоение материала проходило легко, эффективно и непринужденно. 

Вебинар будет полезен всем тем, кто хочет начать работать с маленькими детьми, ставя пред собой цель - влюбить в английский раз и навсегда, а также всем тем, кто хочет сделать апгрейд в своем стиле преподавания, выйдя на уровень "работать не просто эффективно, а в удовольствие", становясь самой популярной училкой ! Ведь влюбить в предмет в самом начале пути -это самый важный, фундаментальный "кирпичик" в начале любого нового путешествия!

I hope you enjoy it!

Смотреть вебинар