lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Why am I a forgetful teacher?

The idea of creating this blog occured to me because of my very bad memory. 

And because I LOVE teaching and always do my best to prepare my lessons in the most effective way for the kids to learn with easiness, joy and to have lots of fun while aquiring new knowledge. 

It is true that the ideal name for this blog would have been something like a..."Teacher´s diary"....., but all the possble options were unavailable, so let it be a FORGETFUL TEACHER. At the end, it is not the name that defines the blog, but its content. 

I´m going to share my lesson plans and ideas here, as well as I´m going to leave my own downloadble materials, which I design and use with my kiddos. 

Most of the educational materials that I create and use are made out of recycling. I LOVE to recycle.

And I also LOVE teaching ON A BUDGET!

And I am abosolutely open to new ideas and new prespectives. I never stop learning myself. That´s the point of teaching, I guess.

If someone would like to join me, I´ll be only happy to welcome you here. 

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