lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Lesson Plan

With small children it can be very helpful to have an established routine as it gives them a sense of security and they know what to expect. And all the new material or activities I present in a way of a surprise, something magical and super exciting. 
I have my lesson planned accroding to the one suggested by Vanessa Reilly and Sheila M.Ward in their book "Very Young Learners", Resource Books for Teachers and it works out quiete well with my kids:

1. A familiar song (we never sing the same song every lesson. I know that many teachers start teaching lesson with a "Hello" song. I don´t know what other kids are like, maybe they like it, but I´m pretty sure they are not as excited and motivated to sing it the 3rd or 4th time in a row). I choose one of the songs that we did during the term, that´s a perfect way to revise the topic taught before.

2. New language. (When I only started my teaching career, I thought that it wasn´t correct to give new material until the previous was polished to perfection, but, oh, my, how wrong I was!!!! Kids LOVE to be challenged! They love to learn new things, they literally enjoy it! So why should I deny that? ok, by NEW material I don´t refer to a different topic, something too diferent, no, if we´re studying food, for example, I´ll offer them something new from this very category. And believe me, kids are always looking forward to seeing/learning something new. This is the first motivational tip- keep them interested and challenged!

3. Craft activity connected with the new language. We LOVE this part of the lesson. And while kids are creating, I always tend to ask them a lot of questions holding onto the new and already taught language. Also it may be a good idea to play some little disctracting music or their favourite songs in the background.

4. A song, a rhyme or chant connected with the new language. For my practice this part is a must. I try to find something that attracts my pupils most: RAP songs (I don´t know why little kids love rap?), funny chanting with gestures for certain word and/or character.

"Religious practices have long recognized the mystic power of chanting. When words are linked to rhythm and music they seem to have more emotive and personal significance and so are remembered better" (Vanessa Reilly and Sheila M.Ward)

5. A familiar active game or activities with Total Physical Response (TPR). 
Depending on the topic and/or category that we´re studying right now, that can be a Simon Says Game, Duck-Goose Game, Detectives, etc.

6. As I´m also teaching reading, another part of the lesson is dedicated to the PHONICs.
I always start with a revision of PHONICS already taught:
-Feeding a Hungry Monster.
-Frying eggs.
-Finding all "As"...etc.

7. and then I give NEw phonics material
I usually give them 3 new phonics at a time.
I will write a separate post on phonics teaching later.

8. Sight words- practice, training,

9.A new Sight word introduction and practice

10. Storytelling: I always intend it to be interactive. Love using FELT board from time to time.

Why am I a forgetful teacher?

The idea of creating this blog occured to me because of my very bad memory. 

And because I LOVE teaching and always do my best to prepare my lessons in the most effective way for the kids to learn with easiness, joy and to have lots of fun while aquiring new knowledge. 

It is true that the ideal name for this blog would have been something like a..."Teacher´s diary"....., but all the possble options were unavailable, so let it be a FORGETFUL TEACHER. At the end, it is not the name that defines the blog, but its content. 

I´m going to share my lesson plans and ideas here, as well as I´m going to leave my own downloadble materials, which I design and use with my kiddos. 

Most of the educational materials that I create and use are made out of recycling. I LOVE to recycle.

And I also LOVE teaching ON A BUDGET!

And I am abosolutely open to new ideas and new prespectives. I never stop learning myself. That´s the point of teaching, I guess.

If someone would like to join me, I´ll be only happy to welcome you here.